When it comes to using promotional products to reward and encourage clients every process you develop in offering branded products is critical in maximizing the ROI of your activity. The cycle of the seasons and associated weather is an important consideration in connecting with consumers and in drawing their attention so it makes perfect sense to consider the summertime conditions which will soon be upon us.
Most people in Australia spend more time outdoors in the warmer months. Combine this fact with daylight savings and you get a chance for switched-on marketers to connect with current clients and new business opportunities. A popular promotional idea for the warmer months is promotional sunscreen. What’s more, if your company is planning an outdoor event or investing in a sports sponsorship sun-block is a must have item these days.
The Australia summer means it’s time for the beach and this means promotional gifts towels become a must have item. Nobody’s day at the beach is complete without the right towel which you can use to dry yourself after swimming and then use to bask in the sun.
Another high visibility, personal protective offering which has proven to be popular over the years is a pair of promotional sunglasses. The sunglass brands you buy in major department stores are amongst the most high margin fashion items available at retail.
Another overlooked product in this day and age is the promotional hand fans. Where there’s no cooling air conditioning, at an outdoor event or sports sponsorship handing out hand fans with large scale custom printing of your logo is a handy way to keep cool while distributing a high level branding device to attendees. The crowd ensure everyone will be aware of your involvement and support and in the fortunate event the spectacle is televised the waving fans will provide color and movement which will get even more viewer attention.
Although summertime is not usually the best time for retail sales, the clever marketer can make good use of the interest in outdoor activities which come at this time a use the change of focus to capture more attention to their amazing and promotional products.